September 24, 2013
nursery, check!
Hello home stretch! I can say that at almost 37 weeks preggo right? It's safe to say that we are pretty much done with Landry's nursery. There are probably some unglamorous details left but I always have time for that, right?! (biggest lie ever)
September 10, 2013
little bit of this / little bit of that
Arg, I think I might have lied to you. Remember that time when I first found out that I was pregnant and reassured you that this would not turn into a baby blog? Well, I didn't foresee the irresistible pull of all things baby. I'm a goner.
August 27, 2013
I was excited/perplexed when Ashley, photographer extraordinaire of To Live. To Love. Photography, asked if I wanted to loan a couple pieces of jewelry for a underwater bridal photo shoot. Familiar with Ashley's work from the vineyard shoot a couple years back which graced the popular wedding site, Style Me Pretty, I had to say yes and eagerly waited the results. I can barely take a good photo with my point and shoot and still remain on the auto setting on my "nice" Rebel camera (tis tis) so I am blown away by these beautiful and captivating photos. Take a look at the whole set...
The theme of the shoot was soft colors (grays/pastel hues etc.) so I put together a necklace with soft pink and peach jade with gray gunmetal faceted drops. The other piece is a natural cut smokey quartz collar which I had a feeling would make a statement but not overpower the bride and groom. I'm so happy that both pieces added to the photo shoot. Thank you for including me Ashley!

August 20, 2013
top 5 baby DIY projects
Oh, I am such a lucky girl. My creative and talented sister-in-law and mother-in-law put on a fabulous baby shower extravaganza a couple weeks ago. I am just now recovering from opening all of the gifts. You guys bless me so much!!
August 08, 2013
foyer / check it off the list
Ain't that the truth. This quote came to mind when I was thinking about today's blog post on the foyer renovation. I had to dig through my old pictures of our house when we first bought it and yeesh... it was scary (popcorn ceilings, sea shell sinks, office lights over sink vanities, an outdoor window into another room?). We have come such a long way!!
August 06, 2013
baby showering
You know your pregnancy is getting real when it's baby shower time! Having a shower for Landry felt like a cross between a birthday and a celebration of a mystical creature I haven't even met yet. So surreal and amazing at the same time. Pinch me?
July 25, 2013
changes welcome
(original entryway)
I love a good renovation project. Since buying our first house in 2009, we've torn down walls, put up walls, moved doors, closed in windows, resurfaced, replaced hardware, and yes painted every room. I love it. And it's funny, when people talk about "nesting" before the baby comes they are usually talking about reorganizing the tupperware in the kitchen or throwing out the hundreds of koozies from college (are my koozie days over?). My version of nesting - totally redoing our entryway. Seems normal, right? I blogged my ideas about the entryway back in May and I think now at almost the end of July we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
July 16, 2013
wanna get away?
According to urban dictionary...
A babymoon is the period before the baby is born - like a honeymoon. Because after the baby is born the mother will not get to do the same things due to the responsibility of having a baby.
So many laughable parts to that definition but you know what... I'll take it. Whoever made up the word babymoon gave us enough justification to go on a vacay. Thus, Ryan and I decided to go to San Diego for a long weekend and it was awesome. I could totally move to Cali in a heartbeat. Here's a couple of highlights.
June 26, 2013
fashion inspirations
Sometimes a gal just needs some fashion inspiration. Pregnant or not pregnant, I can tell you that I'd love to rock all of these goodies. Yeah, I'd be sporting the bump with knee-high Jesus sandals on, mhmm?
During the summertime I gravitate toward the boho peasant dress. So carefree and comfy, how could you resist? I'm absolutely loving the Theodore and Callum scarf used as a swimsuit coverup. Might have to pick one up for our babymoon... yes I said it... we're going on a babymoon. (I'm definitely taking advantage of all of these made up pre-baby extravaganzas - babymoon, dadchelor party, push gift? Bring it on). Enjoy!
During the summertime I gravitate toward the boho peasant dress. So carefree and comfy, how could you resist? I'm absolutely loving the Theodore and Callum scarf used as a swimsuit coverup. Might have to pick one up for our babymoon... yes I said it... we're going on a babymoon. (I'm definitely taking advantage of all of these made up pre-baby extravaganzas - babymoon, dadchelor party, push gift? Bring it on). Enjoy!
Theodore and Callum scarf wrap // Krystal Schlegel
graphic print dress with clutch // Riches for Rags
more boho, please and thank you // Patterson Maker
some ridiculous sandals
wearing this Gucci dress would be a dream // L'extravagance
and maybe this Merrick Jewels pretty thrown in the mix?

June 19, 2013
baby boy bounty
Lately I have been switching hats from jewelry designer to nursery planner/wannabe baby expert aka NESTING. The thought of getting to design a nursery has always been an exciting one and I love the extra challenge of not breaking the bank (hey, the kid's got to go to college right?). They say you're in one of two camps: total cutesy nursery or does a baby even live here?? nursery. I would probably fall in the latter category but am hoping to bring some homeyness to the space. With some safari/noah's ark inspiration here are some of my favorite pieces:
June 13, 2013
if you like it / wear it
This mantra has been scanning across my pinterest feed for the past day and I could not agree with it more (esp. being 22 weeks preggo tomorrow)!! Can I change it to...
Forget the rules
if it fits
wear it
Happy Thursday! And remember to wear what you like.

June 11, 2013
quinoa / spinach stuffed tomatoes
via instagram
June 06, 2013
El Fenix - a love story {part 2}
I was so touched by the sweet messages in response to my first post about my grandfather's passing a couple of weeks ago. It's not only like getting a virtual hug from all of you but gives me a outlet to tell their incredible story which continues their legacy. I actually had not planned to write a part two but to my surprise there was more to the story. To get caught up you can read part one here.
May 29, 2013
May 21, 2013
gender reveal
First of all my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, family members, and responders of the Oklahoma tornados. CNN is on in the background as I write this and seeing the devastation just hits you to the core. Prayers for comfort and peace.
I could not help myself and had to put on a little gender reveal party for the family. What a great excuse to bring out all the china, right?? Hmm, maybe not your typical gender reveal. I think it was exceptionally special because I used a lot of the items I have recently acquired from my grandparent's estate. Being able to use them made me feel their presence {gpa from the big El Fenix in the sky and gma from her hospice bed}.
May 17, 2013
the big day
Today is the big day! Hopefully baby will cooperate and we will be finding out the gender in about an hour (yes I have been counting down). We will announce boy/girl on Sunday.
So is it... BOY
or GIRL??
Either way...
So is it... BOY
or GIRL??
Eeeeek, Yippeeeeee!!!

May 16, 2013
NYC on business
I had intended this post for Monday/Tuesday but with my Gpa's passing on Thursday the El Fenix post seemed more appropriate. Thank you to all of you who took the time to read his story. What a wonderful blessing that you would take the time to celebrate his life/metamorphosis with me. *big hugs*
Most of last week I was in NYC on biznesss honey with two other jewelry designer friends (Kristin with Sensibly Selfish Jewelry and April with Ferocity Jewelry Designs). Sounds glamorous right?
May 13, 2013
El Fenix - a love story
I have a bittersweet Notebook-esque story to tell you. My grandfather passed away on Thursday morning and this is his love story.
Growing up my grandparents on my mom's side didn't have the best relationship. I can remember as a child sitting at the Thanksgiving table to which there would be one if not two other family members sitting between the two of them as they referenced each other in third person and never really made eye contact. Strange to me but bearable. She had her life attending Mavs games, watching Oprah, and reading the newspaper while he had his charting genealogy, watching documentaries about space, and tending to his tiff green lawn. Separate rooms, separate lives.
Getting older started taking a toll on both of them. Grandma was catching a case of dementia and grandpa seemed more wobbly than usual (probably because of the numbness in his hands and feet brought on by diabetes). As their ailments got stronger, their dependence on each other got stronger. He needed her to button his shirts and she needed him for the answers to who/what/when/where/why. They literally needed each other whether they liked it or not.
I'm not sure how the tradition started but apparently about four years ago they started going to El Fenix every Wednesday. Same time (3:30 - I always struggled with this. Am I eating a late lunch or an early dinner?) same waiter, Ramon, and same dish - chimichanga and a #7. About a year and a half ago I started accompanying them to what we now call "El Fenix Wednesdays". I started taking their picture every time we went adding the hashtag #elfenixwednesdays on my instagram account.
Growing up my grandparents on my mom's side didn't have the best relationship. I can remember as a child sitting at the Thanksgiving table to which there would be one if not two other family members sitting between the two of them as they referenced each other in third person and never really made eye contact. Strange to me but bearable. She had her life attending Mavs games, watching Oprah, and reading the newspaper while he had his charting genealogy, watching documentaries about space, and tending to his tiff green lawn. Separate rooms, separate lives.
Getting older started taking a toll on both of them. Grandma was catching a case of dementia and grandpa seemed more wobbly than usual (probably because of the numbness in his hands and feet brought on by diabetes). As their ailments got stronger, their dependence on each other got stronger. He needed her to button his shirts and she needed him for the answers to who/what/when/where/why. They literally needed each other whether they liked it or not.
I'm not sure how the tradition started but apparently about four years ago they started going to El Fenix every Wednesday. Same time (3:30 - I always struggled with this. Am I eating a late lunch or an early dinner?) same waiter, Ramon, and same dish - chimichanga and a #7. About a year and a half ago I started accompanying them to what we now call "El Fenix Wednesdays". I started taking their picture every time we went adding the hashtag #elfenixwednesdays on my instagram account.
We began to notice more and more communication between the two of them which then turned to affection as time went on. The evidence...
When gma would not recognize him (oh, dementia) he would say "64 years honey" to remind her of their relations. They began holding hands, wiping the queso from each other's mouths, kissing, and saying I love you. Truly incredible to watch. My mom and I always wondered if it took them losing their minds to fall in love but maybe it was just letting go or literally forgetting life's bitterness that allowed love to settle in. In the last year of his life my grandfather became a more animated and compassionate man. Many "I love yous" were exchanged and although he is not with us anymore I am so grateful to have spent so many El Fenix Wednesdays together witnessing two people re-fall in love. Those days were his last but I'd say they were his best.
I know he will be looking down from the big El Fenix in the sky this Wednesday. We love you and miss you.

May 02, 2013
drinks on me
Cinco de Mayo (or Drinko de Mayo for some) is this weekend and seeing as I am almost 4 months pregnant (what, what?) I will not be indulging all of these beautiful scrumptious life changing cocktails that I have been hoarding on my pinterest board drinks on me for months. BUT it doesn't mean I need to hold out on you guys! If I were drinking these little beauties would be on my list. I always love a twist on a classic cocktail. Enjoy!
P.S. I have gotten into the habit of "sniffing" my husband's drinks. Am I crazy? I'm sorry smelling a bold red wine is almost as good as drinking it. :) So please let me know if you try any of these drinks. I am drinking vicariously.
May 01, 2013
celebrate life
Well, there has been a lot going on around here to say the least. I've been in the studio for the past couple of days prepping for my trunk show with One Posh Place in Grapevine (this Saturday from 10:30 - 8:00) and also dealing with some emotional hurdles as well.
April 16, 2013
king size
Before I get to my original post, I'd like to say how saddened/sickened I am about the tragedy at the Boston Marathon. Having run my first half marathon in February I cannot fathom how much time and dedication it takes to run that race. Runners had the joy and accomplishment of such an event so quickly taken away and replaced with fear and terror. The casualties and injuries inflicted on innocent people... simply heartbroken.
Praying for all of the individuals and families affected by this tragedy and am grateful for all the service members that jumped into action (literally jumping over fences to get to the bomb site and to help the injured). I am also thankful that my Forney friend is safe and sound after his race. We're thinking of you Boston.
Here's my original post:
As you know our family is growing by one. Hooray baby! That being said, with my husband and I being on the tall side (he is 6'5") and a new cat that likes to stiff arm me off the bed in the middle of the night the queen bed is not cutting it anymore. Nope. So we upgraded to a king. Not really realizing how much is needed when upgrading in size (new headboard/frame, sheets, pillows etc.) our mattress is on the floor, like camping style, and I have some designing work to do. I think this is the perfect time to trade in some of my college bedding for some "grown-up bedding".
April 05, 2013
baby Bean
{due to the nature of this post there will be a lot of !!!! }
Sooo, this happened on Wednesday to all of Facebook. Yay for baby Bean!! I can't explain the joy this has brought to Ryan and I already. I can't even imagine what it will be like when the baby is here. LOVE OVERLOAD.
I love the fact that my due date is so close to our wedding anniversary so I had to include our wedding photo. Don't worry this is not changing into a baby blog. I might include some information here and there and will def. put pictures up as the nursery evolves (you know I have to find out the sex because hello, I have to decorate!).
Thank you all for the kind congrats and well wishes. Having you all as a loving support system makes it all the better.
Btw, I bought swiss chard as a cheap solution to fill in a flower bed in our backyard and it has turned out to be the hardiest and yummiest plant. It's a beast!
To try and control the supply I made this swiss chard quiche last night from the Little Hedgehog and it was delish (I used parmesan and farm fresh eggs I found at the local feed store). I need more recipes for swiss chard just to keep this plant under control. Any ideas??
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